package com.ericfeminella.utils
* All static utility class which provides an API for converting
* numberic data types to their 4, 8, 16 or 32-bit binary
* equivalents, respectively
public final class BinaryConversion
* Defines a 4-bit nibble / half-octet binary conversion
* representation: 2^4 (16 possible combinations, 0-15)
public static const FOUR_BIT:int = 4;
* Defines an 8-bit, 1 byte / octet binary conversion
* representation: 2^8 (256 possible combinations, 0-255)
public static const EIGHT_BIT:int = 8;
* Defines a 16-bit binary conversion representation:
* 2^16 (65,536 possible combinations, 0-65535)
public static const SIXTEEN_BIT:int = 16;
* Defines a 32-bit (binary conversion representation:
* 2^32 (4,294,967,295 possible combinations, 0-4294967295)
public static const THIRTY_TWO_BIT:int = 32;
* Converts the specified Number to it's 4, 8, 16 or 32-bit
* binary equivalent
* <p>
* The following example demonstrates a typical use case in
* which a composite number (10) is converted to it's
* 16-bit binary equivalent
* </p>
* <pre>
* import com.ericfeminella.utils.BinaryConversion;
* trace( BinaryConversion.convert(10, BinaryConversion.FOUR_BIT) );
* trace( BinaryConversion.convert(10, BinaryConversion.EIGHT_BIT) );
* trace( BinaryConversion.convert(10, BinaryConversion.SIXTEEN_BIT) );
* trace( BinaryConversion.convert(10, BinaryConversion.THIRTY_TWO_BIT) );
* //outputs:
* //1010
* //00001010
* //0000000000001010
* //00000000000000000000000000001010
* </pre>
* @param Decimal which is to be converted to binary
* @param bit conversion type; valid values are 4, 8, 16 or 32
* @return binary conversion as String
public static function convert(value:Number, conversion:int) : String
if ( isValidRange( conversion ) )
if ( isValidConversion( value, conversion ) )
var binary:String;
for (var i:int = 0; i < conversion; i++)
var leastSignificantBit:Number = value & 1;
binary = (leastSignificantBit ? 1 : 0) + binary;
value >>= 1;
return binary.toString();
throw new Error( "Can not convert value: " + value + " to " + conversion + "-bit binary" );
throw new Error( "Invalid range specified: " + conversion + "-bit conversion is not valid, only 4, 8, 16 and 32 bit conversions are supported" );
* @private
* Determines if the bit type specified is supported
* <p>
* Valid conversion types are 4, 8, 16, and 32 which are
* defined as constants in BinaryConversion. Below is a
* list of the constants which define valid conversions
* </p>
* <p>
* <ul>
* <li>BinaryConversion.FOUR_BIT</li>
* <li>BinaryConversion.EIGHT_BIT</li>
* <li>BinaryConversion.SIXTEEN_BIT</li>
* <li>BinaryConversion.THIRTY_TWO_BIT</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @param the specific binary conversion type
* @return true of the conversion is valid, otherwise false
private static function isValidRange(conversion:int) : Boolean
var isValid:Boolean = false;
switch( conversion )
case BinaryConversion.FOUR_BIT :
case BinaryConversion.EIGHT_BIT :
case BinaryConversion.SIXTEEN_BIT :
case BinaryConversion.THIRTY_TWO_BIT :
isValid = true;
return isValid;
* @private
* Determines if the maximum value for a given binary conversion
* has been exceeded.
* <p>
* 4-bit conversions allow up to 16 possible permutations.
* Thus integers between the range of 0-15 are valid values
* which can be converted to a 4-bit binary equivalent
* </p>
* <p>
* 8-bit conversions allow up to 256 possible permutations.
* Thus a range of 0-255 are valid values which can be
* converted to an 8-bit binary equivalent
* </p>
* <p>
* 16-bit conversions allow up to 65,536 possible permutations.
* Thus a range of 0-65535 are valid values which can be
* converted to a 16-bit binary equivalent
* </p>
* <p>
* 32-bit conversions allow up to 4,294,967,296 possible permutations.
* Thus a range of 0-4294967295 are valid values which can be
* converted to a 32-bit binary equivalent
* </p>
* @param specified value in which to convert
* @param binary conversion type to convert decimal
* @return true if conversion is valid, otherwise false
private static function isValidConversion(value:Number, conversion:int) : Boolean
var isValid:Boolean = false;
switch( conversion )
case BinaryConversion.FOUR_BIT :
if (value <= 15)
isValid = true;
case BinaryConversion.EIGHT_BIT :
if (value <= 255)
isValid = true;
case BinaryConversion.SIXTEEN_BIT :
if (value <= 65535)
isValid = true;
case BinaryConversion.THIRTY_TWO_BIT :
if (value <= 4294967295)
isValid = true;
return isValid;