package com.ericfeminella.collections
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
* Defines the contract for lightweight HashMap implementations
* which are to expose an API into a managed collection of key /
* value pairs.
public interface IMap
* Adds a <code>key</code> / <code>value</code> pair to the map.
* @param The <code>key</code> to add to the map.
* @param The <code>value</code> of the specified <code>key</code>.
function put(key:*, value:*) : void;
* Places all <code>key</code> / <code>value</code> pairs defined
* within the <code>Dictionary</code> instance into the map.
* @param <code>Dictionary</code> of name / value pairs.
function putAll(table:Dictionary) : void;
* <code>putEntry</code> is intended as a pseudo-overloaded
* <code>put</code> implementation whereby clients may call
* <code>putEntry</code> to pass an <code>IHashMapEntry</code>
* implementation.
* <p>
* An <code>IHashMapEntry</code> allows for a strongly typed
* <code>IMap</code> entry whereby the <code>key</code> and
* it's associated <code>value</code> are strongly typed
* properties.
* </p>
* @param <code>IHashMapEntry</code> implementation instance.
function putEntry(entry:IHashMapEntry) : void;
* Removes a <code>key</code> / <code>value</code> pair from the
* map.
* @param The <code>key</code> in which to remove from the map.
function remove(key:*) : void;
* Determines if the specified <code>key</code> exists in the
* <code>IMap</code> instance.
* @param The <code>key</code> in which to determine existance
* in the <code>IMap</code> instance.
* @return <code>true</code> if the <code>value</code> exists,
* otherwise <code>false</code>.
function containsKey(key:*) : Boolean;
* Determines if the specified <code>value</code> exists in the
* <code>IMap</code> instance.
* @param The <code>value</code> in which to determine existance
* in the <code>IMap</code> instance.
* @return <code>true</code> if the <code>value</code> exists,
* otherwise <code>false</code>.
function containsValue(value:*) : Boolean;
* Returns the <code>value</code> of the specified <code>key</code>
* within the <code>IMap</code> instance.
* @param The <code>key</code> with which the associated <code>value</code>
* belongs.
* @return The <code>value</code> of the specified <code>key</code>.
function getKey(value:*) : *;
* Returns the <code>value</code> assigned to the specified <code>key</code>
* in the map.
* @param The <code>key</code> to retrieve the <code>value</code> of.
* @return The <code>value</code> of the specified <code>key</code>.
function getValue(key:*) : *;
* Returns each <code>key</code> defined within the map.
* @return <code>Array<code> of <code>key</code> identifiers.
function getKeys() : Array;
* Returns the <code>value</code> assigned to each <code>key</code>
* in the map.
* @return <code>Array</code> containing the value of each
* <code>key</code> defined in the map.
function getValues() : Array;
* Retrieves the <code>size</code> of the map. The size is determined
* based on the number of <code>keys</code> defined in the map.
* @return The number of <code>keys</code> defined in the map.
function size() : int;
* Determines if the map is empty. This essentially equates to
* evaluating if there are any <code>keys</code> defined in the
* map.
* @return <code>true</code> if empty, otherwise <code>false</code>.
function isEmpty() : Boolean;
* Assigns <code>undefined</code> as the <code>value</code> of each
* <code>key</code> in the map.
function reset() : void;
* Assigns <code>undefined</code> as the <code>value</code> of each
* <code>key</code> in the map, with the exception of the specified
* <code>key</code>.
function resetAllExcept(key:*) : void;
* Clears all <code>key</code> / <code>value</code> pairs which have
* been defined in the map. This operation effectively removes all
* items from the map, and puts it back in its initialized state.
function clear() : void;
* Clears all <code>key</code> / <code>value</code> pairs which
* have been defined in the map, with the exception of the specified
* <code>key</code>.
* @param The <code>key</code> which is not to be cleared from the map.
function clearAllExcept(key:*) : void;
* Returns an <code>Array</code> of <code>IHashMapEntry</code>
* instances based on all <code>key</code> / <code>value</code>
* pairs defined in the map.
* @param <code>Array</code> of <code>IHashMapEntry</code> instances.
function getEntries() : Array;