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IIterator — Interface in package com.ericfeminella.utils.iterators | |
Defines a set of methods in which concrete Iterators classes can implement to adhere to the Iterator Pattern | |
IteratorFactory — Class in package com.ericfeminella.utils.iterators | |
Iterator specific Factory Pattern implementation. | |
IteratorFactoryTypeError — Class in package com.ericfeminella.utils.iterators | |
IteratorFactory API illegal Iterator type Error class | |
IteratorFactoryTypeError(classType) — Constructor in class com.ericfeminella.utils.iterators.IteratorFactoryTypeError | |
IteratorNullPointerException — Class in package com.ericfeminella.utils.iterators | |
Throws a NullPointerException if an aggregate object reference passed to an Iterator sub-class is null | |
IteratorNullPointerException() — Constructor in class com.ericfeminella.utils.iterators.IteratorNullPointerException | |
Throws an Exception as follows:
IteratorNullPointerException: You can not iterate over a null object reference |
IteratorType — Class in package com.ericfeminella.utils.iterators | |
Provides a list of static constants which represent concrete Iterator implementations
As a best practice, you should only reference iterator sub-classes via their constant identifier as oppossed to referencing iterator sub-classes directly by name |
ITERATOR_TYPE_ERROR — Constant static property in class com.ericfeminella.utils.iterators.IteratorFactoryTypeError | |
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