Classpublic class QueryService

RDMS Service class which handles login requests.

Query string name / value pairs are sent to an accompanying PHP server-side script which runs a query against a MySQL database as specified in the script.

Keep in mind that this service API serves as a starting point for a real world application. It is intended to serve as a base class for real world implementations. You should sub class QueryService and tailor it to your specific applications needs. Name / value pairs are not encrypted over the wire so a proper MD5 encryption should be implemented

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined by
  QUERY_URI : String = "php/login-service.php"
Public Methods
 MethodDefined by
QueryService(onResult:Function, onFault:Function)
Creates a QueryService Object for handling simple user logins
Sends login Value Object to PHP script specified in static QUERY_URI for processing.
Property detail
public static var QUERY_URI:String = "php/login-service.php"
Constructor detail
public function QueryService(onResult:Function, onFault:Function)

Creates a QueryService Object for handling simple user logins

onResult:Function — query result responder which handles login result callbacks
onFault:Function — query fault responder which handles login fault callbacks
Method detail
public function send(loginVO:LoginVO):void

Sends login Value Object to PHP script specified in static QUERY_URI for processing.

LoginVO data is passed to a URLVariables object as Querystring name / value pairs Keep in mind that this service API serves as a starting point for a real world application. You should sub class QueryService and tailor it to your specific applications needs. Name / value pairs are not encrypted so a proper MD5 encryption should be implemented

loginVO:LoginVO — LoginVO which represents the RDMS fields client side