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getAccessors() — Method in interface com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.IIntrospection | |
Returns an ArrayCollection of objects containing accessor name and type information | |
getAccessors() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.Introspection | |
Returns an ArrayCollection of objects containing accessor name and type information | |
getBytes() — Static method in class com.ericfeminella.utils.AVM2MemoryUtil | |
Returns the total memory allocated to Flash Player in bytes | |
getClassName() — Method in interface com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.IIntrospection | |
Returns the class name of the introspected object | |
getClassName() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.Introspection | |
Returns the class name of the introspected object | |
getCursor() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.utils.iterators.ArrayCollectionIterator | |
Returns the current position of the cursor for the collection aggregate | |
getDefinedMethodNames() — Method in interface com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.IIntrospection | |
Returns an Array which contains all method names defined by the introspecting class | |
getDefinedMethodNames() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.Introspection | |
Returns an Array which contains all method names defined by the introspecting class | |
getFullyQualifiedClassName() — Method in interface com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.IIntrospection | |
Returns the fully qualified class name of the introspected object | |
getFullyQualifiedClassName() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.Introspection | |
Returns the fully qualified class name of the introspected object | |
getFullyQualifiedSuperclassName() — Method in interface com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.IIntrospection | |
Returns the fully qualified superclass name of the introspected object | |
getFullyQualifiedSuperclassName() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.Introspection | |
Returns the fully qualified superclass name of the introspected object | |
getImplementedInterfaces() — Method in interface com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.IIntrospection | |
Returns the interfaces that the introspected class or superclass implements | |
getImplementedInterfaces() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.Introspection | |
Returns the interfaces that the introspected class / superclass implements | |
getIndex() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.utils.iterators.ArrayIterator | |
Returns the current index in the Array aggregate | |
getInheritedMethodNames() — Method in interface com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.IIntrospection | |
Returns an Array which contains all inherited method names for the introspecting class | |
getInheritedMethodNames() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.Introspection | |
Returns an Array which contains all inherited method names for the introspecting class | |
getInheritedMethods() — Method in interface com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.IIntrospection | |
Returns an ArrayCollection of Inherited Method objects containing a name property, which contains the name of the method, and a type property which contains the return type of the method | |
getInheritedMethods() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.Introspection | |
Returns an ArrayCollection of Inherited Method objects containing a name property, which contains the name of the method, and a type property which contains the return type of the method | |
getIterator(iteratorType) — Static method in class com.ericfeminella.utils.iterators.IteratorFactory | |
Static method which handles Iterator instantiation based on static
constants defined in IteratorTypes:
To avoid this error as a best practice only use an IteratorTypes constant: IteratorTypes.OBJECT_ITERATOR; IteratorTypes.ARRAY_ITERATOR; IteratorTypes.ARRAY_COLLECTION_ITERATOR; For instance, a client would typically create an iterator as follows import com.ericfeminella.utils.iterators.IIterator; import com.ericfeminella.utils.iterators.IteratorFactory; import com.ericfeminella.utils.iterators.IteratorTypes; private var iterator:IIterator; this.iterator = IteratorFactory.getIterator(IteratorTypes.OBJECT_ITERATOR); this.iterator.setAggregate({name: 'IteratorFactory', version: 1.0, author: 'Eric Feminella'}); while (this.iterator.hasNext()) { trace(this.iterator.next()); } traces: IteratorFactory 1.0 Eric Feminella this.iterator = IteratorFactory.getIterator(IteratorTypes.ARRAY_ITERATOR); this.iterator.setAggregate(['IteratorFactory', 1.0, 'Eric Feminella']); while (this.iterator.hasNext()) { trace(this.iterator.next()); } traces: IteratorFactory 1.0 Eric Feminella By typing an Iterator instance as an IIterator, a client has the flexibility of changing the type of iteration at anytime. |
getKB() — Static method in class com.ericfeminella.utils.AVM2MemoryUtil | |
Returns the total memory allocated to Flash Player in kilobytes | |
getMB() — Static method in class com.ericfeminella.utils.AVM2MemoryUtil | |
Returns the total memory allocated to Flash Player in megabytes | |
getMethodNames() — Method in interface com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.IIntrospection | |
Returns an Array which contains all method names for the introspecting class | |
getMethodNames() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.Introspection | |
Returns an Array which contains all method names for the introspecting class | |
getMethods() — Method in interface com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.IIntrospection | |
Returns an ArrayCollection Method objects containing a name property, which contains the name of the method, and a type property which contains the return type of the method | |
getMethods() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.Introspection | |
Returns an ArrayCollection Method objects containing a name property, which contains the name of the method, and a type property which contains the return type of the method | |
getMethodSignature(methodName) — Method in interface com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.IIntrospection | |
Returns a MethodSignature Object which contains properies of an AS3 MethodSignature | |
getMethodSignature(methodName) — Method in class com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.Introspection | |
Returns a MethodSignature Object which contains properies of an AS3 MethodSignature | |
getPackageName() — Method in interface com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.IIntrospection | |
Returns the name of the package for the introspected object | |
getPackageName() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.Introspection | |
Returns the name of the package for the introspected object | |
getProperties() — Method in interface com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.IIntrospection | |
Returns an ArrayCollection of Property objects which contain a name property, and a type property | |
getProperties() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.Introspection | |
Returns an ArrayCollection of Property objects which contain a name property, and a type property | |
getSuperclassName() — Method in interface com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.IIntrospection | |
Returns the superclass name of the introspected object | |
getSuperclassName() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.Introspection | |
Returns the superclass name of the introspected object | |
getSuperclassPackageName() — Method in interface com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.IIntrospection | |
Returns the name of the package for the introspected superclass of the introspecting object | |
getSuperclassPackageName() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.Introspection | |
Returns the name of the package for the introspected superclass of the introspecting object | |
getType(type) — Static method in class com.ericfeminella.utils.introspection.Reflection | |
Returns the class Object for the String name representation specified in the type parameter. | |
getValue(key) — Method in class com.ericfeminella.utils.HashMap | |
Returns a key value from the current Map | |
getValue(key) — Method in interface com.ericfeminella.utils.IMap | |
Returns a key value from the current Map | |
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