 IEnumeration Defines the contract for concrete Enumeration implementations which must provide an API for generating a series of elements from which each element can be accessed successively.
 IHashMapEntry Defines the contract for classes which are to provide a specific implementation of an IMap entry.
 IMap Defines the contract for lightweight HashMap implementations which are to expose an API into a managed collection of key value pairs
 Iterator Defines the contract for object which are to provide an API for traversing an aggregate object.
 ArrayIterator Concrete Iterator implementation which provides an API for iterating over an Array.
 CollectionIterator Concrete Iterator implementation which provides an API for iterating over an ICollectionView.
 CollectionSortUtil Utility class which provides an all static API for sorting an ICollectionView.
 HashMap IMap implementation which dynamically creates a HashMap of key / value pairs and provides a standard API for working with the map
 HashMapEntry Provides a strongly typed implementation of a key/value pairs
 LocalPersistenceMap Provides an IMap implementation into the data object of a SharedObject on a clients local file system.
 ResourceMap IMap implementation which dynamically creates a Map of key / value pairs and provides a standard API for working with an instance of an ResourceBundle
 StringTokenizer StringTokenizer provides a simple API from which Strings can be split into individual tokens based on a specific delimiter.