Classpublic class DisplayObjectContainerManager

DisplayObjectContainerManager provides a singleton pattern implementation in which childObjects of a specified DisplayObjectContainer can be relocated to a new parent DisplayObjectContainer within the system.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined by
DisplayObjectContainerManager constructor takes a single parameter of type PrivateAccessClass which effectively restricts constructor access to private

If a value of null is passed to constructor an error of type DisplayObjectContainerManagerError is thrown

DisplayObjectContainerManager constructor checks to see if static member instance is null If so, then static instance is set to DisplayObjectContainerManager

    Usage Example:
  import com.ericfeminella.managers.DisplayObjectContainerManager;
  private function switchContainer():void 
      var containerManager:DisplayObjectContainerManager = DisplayObjectContainerManager.getInstance();
      containerManager.relocate(this.leftPanel, this.rightPanel, this.textArea);
[static] Static function which runs a similar evaluation as that of getInstance but in reverse order.
[static] Static function which runs evaluation to determine if an instance of DisplayObjectContainerManager has been instantiated.
relocate(originalContainer:DisplayObjectContainer, newContainer:DisplayObjectContainer, childDisplayObject:*):void
relocates a child object to a new container and retains the child objects current state once relocated

If any of the arguments are null the operation will throw an Error

Constructor detail
public function DisplayObjectContainerManager(privateAccessClass:PrivateAccessClass)

DisplayObjectContainerManager constructor takes a single parameter of type PrivateAccessClass which effectively restricts constructor access to private

If a value of null is passed to constructor an error of type DisplayObjectContainerManagerError is thrown

DisplayObjectContainerManager constructor checks to see if static member instance is null If so, then static instance is set to DisplayObjectContainerManager

    Usage Example:
  import com.ericfeminella.managers.DisplayObjectContainerManager;
  private function switchContainer():void 
      var containerManager:DisplayObjectContainerManager = DisplayObjectContainerManager.getInstance();
      containerManager.relocate(this.leftPanel, this.rightPanel, this.textArea);
privateAccessClass:PrivateAccessClass — private class which restricts constructor access to class definition only


See also

Method detail
public static function destroyInstance():void

Static function which runs a similar evaluation as that of getInstance but in reverse order. If an instance of DisplayObjectContainerManager has been instantiated it is set to null, and thus destroyed from all references of DisplayObjectContainerManager instance


public static function getInstance():DisplayObjectContainerManager

Static function which runs evaluation to determine if an instance of DisplayObjectContainerManager has been instantiated. If so it returns the singleton instance. If not then an instance is instantiated and returned

var containerManager:DisplayObjectContainerManager = DisplayObjectContainerManager.getInstance();

DisplayObjectContainerManager — DisplayObjectContainerManager the singleton instance of DisplayObjectContainerManager
public function relocate(originalContainer:DisplayObjectContainer, newContainer:DisplayObjectContainer, childDisplayObject:*):void

relocates a child object to a new container and retains the child objects current state once relocated

If any of the arguments are null the operation will throw an Error

originalContainer:DisplayObjectContainer — the original container of the child object
newContainer:DisplayObjectContainer — the new container of the child object
childDisplayObject:* — the child object to relocate

See also