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IEnumeration — Interface in package com.ericfeminella.collections |
Defines the contract for concrete Enumeration implementations
which must provide an API for generating a series of elements
from which each element can be accessed successively. |
IHashMapEntry — Interface in package com.ericfeminella.collections |
Defines the contract for classes which are to provide a specific
implementation of an IMap entry. |
IMap — Interface in package com.ericfeminella.collections |
Defines the contract for lightweight HashMap implementations
which are to expose an API into a managed collection of key
value pairs
index — Property in class com.ericfeminella.collections.CollectionIterator |
Contains the current indexed position in the collection
isEmpty() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.collections.HashMap |
Determines if the current HashMap instance is empty
isEmpty() — Method in interface com.ericfeminella.collections.IMap |
Determines if the HashMap instance is empty
isEmpty() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.collections.LocalPersistenceMap |
Determines if the current data object of the
underlying the SharedObject instance is empty. |
isEmpty() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.collections.ResourceMap |
Determines if the current ResourceMap
instance is empty
Iterator — Interface in package com.ericfeminella.collections |
Defines the contract for object which are to provide an API
for traversing an aggregate object. |
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