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remove(key) — Method in class com.ericfeminella.collections.HashMap
Removes a key and value from the HashMap instance
remove(key) — Method in interface com.ericfeminella.collections.IMap
Removes a key / value from the HashMap instance
remove(key) — Method in class com.ericfeminella.collections.LocalPersistenceMap
Removes a key and value from the data object of the underlying the SharedObject instance.
remove(key) — Method in class com.ericfeminella.collections.ResourceMap
Removes a key and value from the ResourceMap instance
remove() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.collections.StringTokenizer
Remove must be implemented to provide a standard iterator implementation.
reset() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.collections.ArrayIterator
Resets the index of the ArrayIterator instance to 0.
reset() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.collections.CollectionIterator
Resets the IViewCursor to a zero based indexed position
reset() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.collections.HashMap
Resets all key value assignments in the HashMap instance to null
reset() — Method in interface com.ericfeminella.collections.IMap
Resets all key value assignments in the HashMap instance to null
reset() — Method in interface com.ericfeminella.collections.Iterator
Resets the cursor / index of the Iterator to 0.
reset() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.collections.LocalPersistenceMap
Resets all key / value assignment in the data object of the underlying the SharedObject instance is empty to null.
reset() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.collections.ResourceMap
Resets all key value assignments in the ResourceMap instance to null
reset() — Method in class com.ericfeminella.collections.StringTokenizer
Resets the position of the StringTokenizer to zero
resetAllExcept(keyId) — Method in class com.ericfeminella.collections.HashMap
Resets all key / values defined in the HashMap instance to null with the exception of the specified key
resetAllExcept(key) — Method in interface com.ericfeminella.collections.IMap
Resets all key / values defined in the HashMap instance to null
resetAllExcept(key) — Method in class com.ericfeminella.collections.LocalPersistenceMap
Resets all key / values defined in the data object of the underlying the SharedObject instance is empty to null with the exception of the specified key.
resetAllExcept(keyId) — Method in class com.ericfeminella.collections.ResourceMap
Resets all key / values defined in the ResourceMap instance to null with the exception of the specified key
ResourceMap — Class in package com.ericfeminella.collections
IMap implementation which dynamically creates a Map of key / value pairs and provides a standard API for working with an instance of an ResourceBundle
ResourceMap(bundle) — Constructor in class com.ericfeminella.collections.ResourceMap
Creates a new ResourceMap instance which contains a map of key / value pairs initially defined in the specified ResourceBundle

By default, weak key references are used in order to ensure that objects are eligible for Garbage Collection immediatly after they are no longer being referenced.

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