 IIterator Defines the contract for concrete Iterator implementations
 ArrayCollectionIterator Concrete Iterator implementation which provides methods for iterating over an ArrayCollection
 ArrayIterator Concrete Iterator implementation which provides methods for iterating over an array
 IteratorFactory Iterator specific Factory Pattern implementation which defines an API for handling specific Iterator instantiation
 IteratorFactoryTypeError IteratorFactory API illegal Iterator type Error class

Throws an error specifying that an iterator type does not exist.

 IteratorNullPointerException Throws an Error if an iterator aggregate is null
 IteratorTypes Defines the set of constants which represent concrete iterator implementations
 ObjectIterator Concrete Iterator implementation which provides methods for iterating over an object
 UnsupportedOperationException A concrete Iterator must provide an implementation of the Remove method.
 UnsupportedTypeError A specific Iterator implementation may only contain one type of aggregate to iterate over.