 AbstractException Pseudo-abstract base class which provides an API which allows sub-classes to pass a message containing tokens to be replaced with an arbitrary parameters

Below is an example of an AbstractException sub class

 ContextMenuItemCollisionException Throws an exception specifying that a ContextMenuItem which has been attempted to be included in the ContextMenu already exists
 ContextMenuItemInvalidCaptionException Throws an exception specifying that a ContextMenuItem caption either exceeds a maximum charachter length of 100, or if the caption is a reserved word which is not used in conjunction with another word and / or charachter, or an illegally reserved caption term is specified
 ContextMenuMaximumItemsExceededError Throws an exception specifying that a ContextMenuItem which has been attempted to be included in the ContextMenu has not been added due to the maximum limit of ContextMenuItems being exceeded (15)
 NullPointerException Thrown when an application attempts to access a property or method of a null object reference